

nba新闻稿件(需要NBA最新各大球队转会的报道 谢、)

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需要NBA最新各大球队转会的报道 谢、

詹姆斯和波什去热火 ——火箭和斯科拉(Luis Scola)达成续约协议,合同约为5年4700万美元,有消息称合同的最后一年为部分保障。——魔术决定匹配公牛与JJ-雷迪克(JJ Redick)签下的3年1900万美元邀请合同。——热火将以老将底薪签下朱万-霍华德(Juwan Howard)。——篮网与今两位首轮新秀德里克-费弗斯(Derrick Favors)以及达迈-詹姆斯(Damion James)分别完成正式签约。——热火与麦克-米勒(Mike Miller)完成正式签约,合同约为5年2500万美元。——凯尔特人与保罗-皮尔斯(Paul Pierce)完成正式续约,合同金额4年6100万美元。——掘金与艾尔-哈灵顿(Al Harrington)正式签约,合同约为5年3400万美元。 ——爵士与拉贾-贝尔(Raja Bell)达成协议 ,合同约为3年1000万美元。——火箭决定匹配骑士为受限制球员凯尔-洛瑞(Kyle Lowry)开出的4年2400万美元报价合同。——利文斯顿(Shaun Livingston)原则同意与山猫签约,合同为两年700万美元左右,第3年无保障。——黄蜂宣布收回之前提供给卢瑟-海德(Luther Head)的为期两年合同,原因是海德没有通过队内的体检。《/SPAN》——掘金与安东尼-卡特(Anthony Carter)正式完成续约,合同金额为1年1,352,000美元。同时,掘金以1年915,852美元底薪合同签下内线球员希尔顿-威廉姆斯(Shelden Williams)。——76人与榜眼秀埃文-特纳(Evan Turner)完成签约。 ——灰熊正式签下托尼-阿伦(Tony Allen),合同约为3年1000万美元。 ——掘金与艾尔-哈灵顿(Al Harrington)达成协议,将以5年3400万美元签约。 ——骑士与火箭受限自由球员凯尔-洛瑞(Kyle Lowry)签下4年2400万美元邀请合同,第四年为球队选项。 ——凯尔特人与雷-阿伦(Ray Allen)正式完成2年2000万美元续约。 山猫将中锋泰森-钱德勒(Tyson Chandler)以及另一名内线阿莱克斯-阿金萨(Alex Ajinca)送到小牛,换来了埃里克-丹皮尔(Erick Dampier)、马特-卡洛尔(Matt Carroll)以及纳胡拉(Eduardo Najera)。另据知情人士表示,山猫队“极有可能”在交易完成后裁掉丹皮尔,因为他下赛季1300万美元的工资为非保障合同。森林狼将艾尔-杰弗森(Al Jefferson)交易到了爵士,换来中锋科斯塔-库佛斯(Kosta Koufos)、一个交易特例(自布泽尔交易而来)以及两个首轮选秀权(一个自去年交易罗尼-布鲁尔从灰熊得到的,为受保护选秀权)。 ——公牛正式签下凯尔-科沃尔(Kyle Korver)以及土耳其中锋欧米尔-阿西克(Omer Asik)。 ——火箭与他们的首轮新秀帕特里克-帕特森(Patrick Patterson)达成协议,签约4年。 ——卢克-里德诺(Luke Ridnour)接近于与森林狼签下一份为期4年,总金额达到1600万美元的新合同。 ——扎诸纳斯-伊尔戈斯卡斯(Zydrunas Ilgauskas)即将接受热火队为其开出的合同——一份为期两年、总额约为280万美元的老将底薪合同,第二年为球员选项。——森林狼正式续约中锋米利西奇(Darko Milicic),并与两位新秀韦斯利-约翰逊(Wesley Johnson)与拉扎尔-海沃德(Lazar Hayward)完成签约。 。 ——德里克-费舍尔(Derek Fisher)与湖人完成三年续约,总金额约为1050万美元。火将迈克尔-比斯利(Michael Beasley)送至森林狼,热火得到森林狼2011年和2014年的二轮选秀权以及部分现金。——马刺正式签下巴西内线提亚戈-斯普利特(Tiago Splitter),合同为3年1090万。 ——热火宣布和前锋乌度尼斯-哈斯勒姆(Udonis Haslem)完成续约,合同金额约为5年2000万篮网通过先签后换得到勇士后卫安东尼-莫罗(Anthony Morrow),莫罗的新合同为期三年,总额达到1200万美元。勇士也因此得到了一个400万美元的交易特例。 ——魔术队与昆廷-理查德森(Quentin Richardson)达成了一份多年协议。太阳从猛龙得到特科格鲁(Hedo Turkoglu),他们将送出巴博萨(Leandro Barbosa)以及德韦恩-琼斯(Dwayne Jones)也,这笔交易并没有使用交易特例。在这笔交易中,特科格鲁同意放弃525万的转会保证金(原本有650万),同时也将最后一个赛季(2013-2014)1220万的年薪由全保障转为部分保障(610万)。 太阳同意与老鹰进行关于约什-柴德里斯(Josh Childress)的先签后换交易,并为柴德里斯提供一份五年价值3400万美元的合同,太阳将送给老鹰一个2012年的二轮选秀权,还将把斯塔德迈尔先签后换交易中的部分交易特例送至老鹰。 ——乔丹-法玛尔(Jordan Farmar)将和篮网签约,合同为3年1200W。——灰熊接近与自由球员托尼-阿伦(Tony Allen)完成签约,合同约为3年1000万美元。 ——活塞将与本-华莱士(Ben Wallace)完成一份为期两年的续约合同,年薪约为190万美元。——尼克斯与控卫雷蒙德-费尔顿(Raymond Felton)完成签约,合同金额为两年1580万。 ——公牛与魔术受限自由球员JJ-雷迪克(J.J. Redick)签下邀请合同,合同金额为3年1900万至2000万美元。——鹰队与首轮新秀乔丹-克劳福德(Jordan Crawford)完成签约。双方签下了一份为期四年的合同,其中克劳福德在他的新秀赛季将拿到约100万美元。猛龙将克里斯-波什(Chris Bosh)先签后换至热火,猛龙得到两支选秀权,分别是原属于自己的2011年的首轮(09年小奥尼尔-马里昂交易中送往热火)以及热火的2011年的首轮签(乐透保护),此外还有一个交易特例骑士通过先签后换将勒布朗-詹姆斯(LeBron James)送到热火,,骑士将得到两个首轮选秀权和两个次轮选秀权,以及一个1600万的交易特例。两支首轮签可能是2013年和2015年的。——公牛与凯尔-科沃尔(Kyle Korver)达成签约协议,合同约为3年1500万美元。 太阳与尼克斯队完成有关阿玛雷-斯塔德迈尔(Amare Stoudemire)的先签后换交易,太阳将得到总额达到1650万美元的交易特例。 太阳与公牛正式完成前锋哈基姆-瓦里克(Hakim Warrick)的先签后换交易,所用的就刚刚从纽约交易来的交易特例,公牛得到了一个太阳的2011年次轮选秀权。瓦里克签下的合同约为4年1800万美元。——热火与麦克-米勒(Mike Miller)接近达成协议,合约为5年2500万美元左右。 ——雷霆与凯文-杜兰特(Kevin Durant)签下5年8500万美元续约合同。 ——快船签下自由球员后卫兰迪-弗耶(Randy Foye)和自由球员莱恩-戈麦斯(Ryan Gomes)。弗耶的合同为两年800万的合同。戈麦斯的合同则为3年1200万。尼克斯将自由球员大卫-李(David Lee)先签后换至勇士,勇士付出的筹码为安东尼-兰多夫(Anthony Randolph),图里亚夫(Ronny Turiaf)和阿祖别克(Kelenna Azubuike)三名球员送至尼克斯。李的合同大约价值为6年8000万美元。 公牛和奇才在正式达成交易,奇才得到辛里奇(Kirk Hinrich),今年的17号新秀凯文-塞拉芬(Kevin Seraphin)和一些现金,公牛得到奇才06年选择的2轮国际球员维拉德玛-威勒明科(Vladimir Veremeenko)的签约权。 ——太阳正式签下钱宁-弗莱(Channing Frye),合同约为5年3000万美元。 ——灰熊正式签下受限制自由球员鲁迪-盖伊(Rudy Gay),盖伊得到了一份5年8200万的合同。 ——老鹰与乔-约翰逊(Joe Johnson)正式签约,由于下赛季工资帽调整至5800万,双方签下的六年合同总金额也因此涨到1亿2370万美元。公牛与爵士就卡洛斯-布泽尔(Carlos Boozer)达成先签后换交易,爵士将会得到1300万美元的交易特例,以及一个受保护的二轮选秀权。布泽尔签下了一份为期5年、总额约为8000万美元的合同。 ——凯尔特人以2年1200万美元签下杰梅因-奥尼尔(Jermaine ONeal)。——雄鹿正式签下萨尔蒙斯(John Salmons)和德鲁-古登(Drew Gooden)。萨尔蒙斯签下的合同是5年3900万,而古登是5年3200万——篮网以5年3500万美元签下特拉维斯-奥特洛(Travis Outlaw)。


萨克拉门托 消息 萨克拉门托国王队前锋谢里夫-阿布杜-拉希姆今天宣布退役,原因是膝伤复发。 31岁的拉希姆总共在NBA效力了12个赛季,辗转四支球队(温哥华灰熊,亚特兰大老鹰,波特兰开拓者,萨克拉门托国王)。 他职业生涯一共出战830场比赛,场均贡献18.1分(投篮命中率45.2%,三分球命中率29.7%,罚球命中率81.0%),7.5个篮板和2.5次助攻。他表现最出色的一个赛季是1998-99赛季,当时在温哥华灰熊队效力的他出战50场,场均贡献23.0分,7.5个篮板和3.4次助攻。接下来的1999-00赛季,拉希姆打满82场比赛,正式加入“20+10+俱乐部”,场均贡献20.3分10.1个篮板。 拉希姆解释道:“过去的一年半时间里,我一直在努力恢复,我竭尽全力的想要使身体完全康复,但是我发现自己已经无法找回在NBA打球所必须的身体状态。我的右腿膝盖患有关节炎,这个病已经困扰了我很多年,已经严重到不允许我再留在NBA打球的地步。现实就是这么残酷。”拉希姆还曾经代表美国出战2000年的悉尼奥运会,并夺得了一枚金牌。2002年,在老鹰效力的他入选了东部全明星队,他在那次全明拉希姆回忆自己的职业生涯时说:“谈到我的职业生涯,我觉得既不幸又幸运。幸运的是我有机会进入NBA打球。只有少数人能够实现儿时的梦想。而我就得到这样的机会,我很感激上天的安排。我也感激教练们,训练师们,球队老板们,球队官员们以及这么多年里我在NBA交的那些朋友。这是一个艰难的决定,但是我并不觉得痛苦。我只是很感激上天能够给我进入NBA打球的机会,能有这样的经历我感到很开心。” 2002年12月28日,26岁的拉希姆在对阵奇才的比赛中砍下18分,从而成为了NBA历史上得分突破10000分大关的第六年轻的球员,仅次于科比-布莱恩特,鲍勃-麦卡杜,沙奎尔-奥尼尔,迈克尔-乔丹,卡里姆-阿布杜-贾巴尔。2001年11月23日,拉希姆在对阵活塞的比赛中砍下50分(也创造了职业生涯最高的单场投中21球的纪录)。拉希姆在1996年的选秀大会上被温哥华灰熊队在首轮第三顺位选中,进入NBA之后,拉希姆一直热心于社会公益活动,在亚特兰大创立了一个旨在援助贫困儿童的基金会,并建立了一个收容无家可归儿童的“里夫之家".我是意译,不是直译,但是意思差不多!


Dozens of articles have been written about him, people crowd the lines to get tickets to his games, his name and picture are strewn all over the news. Although he’s only a rookie, he has become a household name. But this year’s NBA number one draft pick, soft-spoken, humorous Yao Ming is much more than a magnificent basketball player. He is an explorer and a pioneer, belonging to not only china but also the world. Now in his second NBA season, Yao is a dominating player who has helped transform the Houston Rockets into a playoff contender. Yao Ming also makes a big fortune after he proves that he is qualified as a NBA star. He maybe is the richest Chinese sport player. And thousands of Chinese young child want to be get the same success.However, his love to the motherland, never extinguished。 Many young people love him and set him as a symbol, all the chinese are proud of him. he in turn feed back his deepest love to his countryman。 Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career, including the NBA’s Basketball Without Borders program. In the NBA’s offseason in 2003, Yao hosted a telethon, which raised 300,000 U.S. dollars to help stop the spread of SAR. In September 2007, he held an auction that raised 965,000 U.S. dollars (6.75 million yuan),and competed in a charity basketball match to raise money for underprivileged children in China. He was joined by fellow NBA stars Steve Nash, Carmelo Anthony, and Baron Davis, and movie star Jackie Chan.After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Yao donated $2 million to relief work, and created a foundation to help rebuild schools destroyed in the earthquake.

英语作文 一场nba报道

NBA Palace for Basketball Players  The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league1 in the world,with teams from the United States and Canada.With the addition of the Toronto2 Raptors and the Vancouver3 Grizzlies prior to the 1995~1996 season,the NBA expanded to 29 teams competing in two conferences4,the Eastern and Western,in four separate divisions.Each team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12-player roster5.Training camp allows each team to evaluate players,especially rookies6 (first-year players),to assess7 the team’s strengths and weaknesses,and to prepare players for the upcoming season through a series of on-court drills8 and practice of offensive9 and defensive strategy.After a series of exhibition games,the NBA begins its 82 game regular season in the first week of November.  In the second week of February,the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game,featuring the game’s best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference).In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot12.The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams,regardless of division.The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three games.In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played,with the first team to earn four victories winning the round.The playoffs continue in this elimination14 scheme until a conference champion is crowned.The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion.  Every June the league conducts its amateur draft15,in which each team obtains the rights to the professional services of the best collegiate and international players.Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces16 intercollegiate eligibility17.To determine the draft order the NBA uses a draft lottery18,introduced in 1985.Those teams that failed to qualify for the playoffs the previous season are eligible for the lottery.The lottery determines the first three teams to select in the draft.The remaining teams draft according to their win-loss record of the previous season,so that teams with poorer records draft higher than those with better records.The NBA draft consists of only two rounds,with a total of 58 players chosen.Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out19 for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts.  The NBA’s official development league is the Continental Basketball Association (CBA).The league was founded in 1946 and now features 12 teams playing in two conferences.Many players,coaches,executives,and referees20 have honed21 their skills in the CBA before going on to NBA careersseason in the first week of November.  In the second week of February,the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game,featuring the game’s best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference).In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot12.The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams,regardless of division.The playoffs start with the teams  with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three games.In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played,with the first team to earn four victories winning the round.The playoffs continue in this elimination14 scheme until a conference champion is crowned.The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion


In 1992, 18,676 Chicago United Center fans were lucky enough to witness a classic decisive battle on Christmas night when the Bulls, the overlord of the league, took on their rival new york Knicks, who had fought seven bloody matches in the semi-finals of the Eastern Conference last year.

The iron defense advocated by Pat Riley has always been a big headache for phil jackson. Unlike the dirty playing style of Detroit’s "bad boys", proud new york people never disdain to win in a way contrary to sports ethics.

They emphasize physical confrontation almost abnormally and attach great importance to position competition. The rotation and coordination between the five can be called perfect, which can greatly block the flow of the ball path most emphasized by the Bulls’ triangle offense and limit Jordan’s individual singles.





Kobe Bean Bryant Bryant rose to national prominence in 1996 when he became the first guard in league history to be drafted out of high school. Bryant and then-teammate Shaquille O’Neal led the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002. Since O’Neal’s departure following the 2003-04 season, Bryant has become the cornerstone of the Lakers franchise, and was the NBA’s leading scorer during the 2005-06 and 2006-07 seasons. In 2006, Bryant scored a career high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, the second highest number of points scored in NBA history. In 2003, Bryant made headlines when he was accused of sexual assault at a ski resort in Eagle, Colorado by a hotel employee. Bryant admitted an adulterous sexual encounter with the accuser, but denied the sexual assault allegation. In September 2004, prosecutors dropped the case after his accuser informed them that she was unwilling to testify. Bryant’s accuser brought a separate civil suit against him that was ultimately settled out of court. 2.Arnold Jacob "Red" Auerbach (September 20, 1917 – October 28, 2006) was a highly successful and influential basketball coach of the Washington Capitols, the Tri-Cities Blackhawks and the Boston Celtics. After he retired from coaching, he served as president and front office executive of the Celtics right up until his death. As a coach, he won 938 games (a record at his retirement) Beyond trophies, Auerbach is remembered as a pioneer of modern basketball, redefining basketball as a game dominated by team play and tough defense rather than individual feats and high scoring and introducing the fastbreak as a potent offensive weapon. For his feats, Auerbach received a multitude of honors. In 1967, the NBA Coach of the Year award, which he had won in 1965, was named the "Red Auerbach Trophy", and Auerbach was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1969. In addition, Auerbach was voted one of the NBA 10 Greatest Coaches in history, was inducted into the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and is honored with a retired number-2 jersey in the TD Banknorth Garden, the home of the Boston Celtics.


  我自己写的: 《T-MAC》  第一次听说火箭这个球队名字的时候,我只是一个6岁的孩子,那时的我甚至不懂什么是NBA,我只知道我的父亲有些时候会饶有兴趣的做在电视边看一些"怪人"在打篮球,可惜的是,我不懂.我唯一记住的是两个人的名字,奥拉朱旺和德雷克斯勒.我也记得一个以梦幻五步称霸球场,一个会以滑翔机一样的姿势扣篮,这是11年前我对所谓的NBA的唯一的也是最为珍贵的记忆.  第一次听说姚明是在13岁的时候,那时父亲告诉我有个中国的小伙子去了他最喜欢的’NBA球队--休斯顿火箭.他的名字是姚明,一个来自东方的大个子.从此便记住了这个有意思的名字--要命(姚明)  第一次听说特雷西是我14岁的时候,父亲告诉我姚明的身边又多了一个可以滑翔扣篮的小伙子,他叫特雷西--麦克格雷迪,父亲还告诉我,火箭队有救了,说这个小伙子是个得分王,跳的也高.从那以后,我又记住了一个人的名字,就是他--特雷西.  好像一切都是这么的自然, 我的记忆就是这样自如的连成了一条命运线,从04年开始关注NBA的我从此爱上了火箭,爱上了姚明,爱上了大男孩--特雷西.也记住他永恒的号码--1号.  老天感动的哭了,我是这样理解这句话的,当人类以不可违背的力量违抗了上帝,那么给予的会是奖励,而不是处罚.就象麦迪时刻一样,当我亲眼目睹那一刻的时候,我哑口无言,我不相信这是麦迪,更不相信电视机里的一切,就在刚才我还要关上电视去写作业,而现在我却要继续留下来去感受那份难得的喜悦,或许是激动,或许是感动,我知道自己是个男孩子,可是还是哭了,可能很多人都认为我很幼稚,也许吧,但是我就是在他投进最后一球的时候无法自已,就是那样的哭了,为了我喜欢的大男孩--特雷西.  可是就是那一年,就是那一年,那一年的季候赛.麦迪让我失望了.看到他们大红大紫的从小牛的客场带走两胜,心里本以为火箭今年至少打进第2轮的时候,甚至当他们输掉第5战的时候,我都坚信不疑,我坚信火箭一定可以屠牛庆功,因为特雷西说了,看我的.可是谁又会知道,我们看见的是7场过后,他那本就蒙胧的睡眼似乎已经没有了透光的余地……  每个人都会为06年的比赛失望,因为颓辟的火箭在伤病折磨中没有了往日的红色,也许能令人记住的只有姚明和特雷西每次倒在场上时那痛苦的饿表情,紧此而已。留给我们的是一次又一次致命的打击,和一次又一次的惨败。他们已经麻痹,球迷也已经麻痹,当他们的杂志中还留有赛季前火箭的先发5将和实力排名的时候,火箭已经变的支离破碎。成了一支可以任人宰割的鱼南部队。看到麦迪一次又一次的在伤病中比赛,看到他一次又一次无畏的失误,一次又一次不带准星的投篮,我们失望极了,或许只是盼着这个可怕的赛季能够早点结束,因为我们不忍心看着自己喜爱的球队和球员在场上被别人折磨致死。  06年最风光的人物是湖人的科比。那叫一个无所不能,得分连闯纪录,连打小牛这样的球队只用上3节就可以搞定,关键在于,3节就得了65分。很多人4节比赛都没有得过这么多分。65分后的一个月,81分诞生了,我是后来看的新闻,也许科比就是这样一个球员,当人们给予他的是否定,不懈,指责和嘘声的时候,他会用自己的行动封住别人嘴,他可以不在意斯台普司中心,为他呐喊:MVP的球迷,他要做的就是用自己的能力,带着这只真正的鱼南球队重新打会季候赛。另人或许惊讶或许不惊讶的是,他真的做到了,而且在季候赛里只差一小步就可以射落太阳,杀进西部半决赛。  科比和特雷西,两个昔日的飞人,场外的好友,在06年里走了两条不同的道路,造成了两种不同的结果。  充满希望的07年或许在常规赛里让球迷大呼过瘾,因为无姚的特雷西找到了往日的风采,24分,6。5个篮板,5。4个助攻。全能的称号传遍全联盟。谁都知道火箭队有个全能王,特雷西。联盟第5的战绩,让这个在上个赛季还是鱼南的球队,在这个赛季成了冠军的争夺者。于是人们开始展望特雷西如何打破首轮命魔,甚至丰田中心的球迷也为特雷西叫喊“MVP”。可惜的是,没有人可以改变一个现实,特雷西,只是特雷西,不是湖人的科比。  如果说他的07赛季是另人激动的,我承认,可是我们看到的依然是不带准心的投篮,或是下半场的突然哑火,可幸的是,他有姚明,有巴蒂尔,甚至是海德还有二叔,他们都可以投篮。而且都能投进。于是我们看见了他每场可观的助工,我们也为此自豪,他,特雷西是多么无私。不象科比,那个只会单条的独狼。可是,也许我们错了。因为特雷西真的不是科比,因为他不会在每场比赛后加练500个投篮,他不讳在比赛前看上场的比赛录象,不会在比赛休息的时候向教练询问自己今天的表现,不会和队友交流是单条还是独打。前者是科比,后者是特雷西。  火箭不需要一个科比,可是我们需要一个真正的麦迪,我们需要一个可以稳定发挥的麦迪,一个临危不惧的麦迪,一个可以带领球队无往不胜的麦迪,一个说的出作的到的麦迪,我们需要一个开心的麦迪,一个快乐的饿麦迪,一个火箭的麦迪。  特雷西,我们不需要科比,是因为我们会拥有火箭的麦迪,那个永远的1号……