问题一:智利的英文怎么拼写? Chile 问题二:智利英语怎么说 Chile 音标 其实你可以在手机词典里查下就有了 问题三:智利的首都的中英文翻译是什么? 圣地亚哥 San Diego 问题四:关于智利的英文资料 Chile, officially the Republic of Chile (Spanish: República de Chile (help・info)), is a country in South America occupying a long and narrow coastal strip wedged between the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific forms the country’s entire western border, with Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage at the country’s southernmost tip. Chile claims 1,250,000 km2 of territory in Antarctica. There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to one theory the Incas of Peru, who had failed to conquer the Araucanians, called the valley of the Aconcagua Chili by corruption of the name of a tribal chief (cacique) called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan conquest. The Spanish conquistadors heard about this name from the Incas and the few survivors of Diego de Almagro’s ......》》 问题五:智利的卡马拉英文名 卡拉马是智利北部城市,安托法加斯塔区埃尔洛阿省首府。 Kamala of Chile 智利的卡马拉 问题六:请问智利进口的红酒,标签上RlOS英文是什么意思? rios是酒庄名,你说的酒应该是Rios de Chile Carmenere,这是产自智利中央山谷的一支葡萄酒 问题七:智利人说英语吗? 智利官方语言: 西班牙语 所以,可能有一部分人会,但是肯定不是主流的语言 问题八:用英语介绍智利国旗的含义或请帮忙翻译一下: National flag: the blue, white, red trichromatic constitutes. By the angles of the flag above hoist for blue square, its central draw has a white stars within a circle. Flag ground by white, red two parallel rectangle form. The white, red next. White part equals red part of the two-thirds. Red symbol to Chil钉’s independence and freedom, in order to resist the Spanish ShiMinJun rule, in LAN card melon heroic martyrs of sex Xi blood. White signifies the andes peak snow. The blue symbolizes the ocean. 问题九:智利英语怎么说 Chile 音标 其实你可以在手机词典里查下就有了 问题十:智利的首都的中英文翻译是什么? 圣地亚哥 San Diego
相对法国葡萄酒来讲,可能智利葡萄酒更适合中国人的口味,浓郁优雅的芳香,若顺的口感,绿色无污染,这是很多人钟爱智利葡萄酒的原因。所以从口感上来讲智利酒无疑是值得选择的国家。而且同样品质的情况下,智利葡萄酒价格要便宜的多,因为智利的葡萄酒的性价比是最高的。就葡萄园的管理成本来讲,一公顷葡萄园一年的管理费在法国是8000美金,美国是6000美金,澳洲是4500美金,而智利只有2800美金。所以同等品质的情况下智利葡萄酒的价格是法国的1/2到1/3。 市场上一般的智利红酒价格在80-200之间,像梦特思酒庄出产的梦特思系列由于性价比非常高,广受消费者钟爱。