国内引进的斯蒂芬·金作品一览 内蒙古出版社: 《缅因鬼镇》"’Salem’s Lot" novel 《致命游戏》"Gerald’s Game" novel 《恶梦工厂(短篇集)》 "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" story collection 珠海出版社: 《死光(上、下两册)》"It" novel 《杰罗德游戏》"Gerald’s Game" novel 《宠物公墓》"Pet Sematary" novel 《玫瑰疯狂者》"Rose Madder" novel 《黑暗的另一半》"The Dark Half" novel 《神秘火焰》"Firestarter" novel 《死亡区域》"The Dead Zone" novel 《恶兆》"Cujo" novel 《惊鸟》"Dolores Claiborne" novel 《克里斯汀》"Christine" novel 《一号书迷》"Misery" novel 《世事无常(短片集)》"Everything’s Eventual" story collection 《斯蒂芬·金传》"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" non-fiction 大众文艺出版社: 《闪灵》"The Shining" novel 《撒冷镇》"’Salem’s Lot" novel 《末日逼近(上、下两册)》"The Stand (The Complete and Uncut Edition)" novel 上海译文出版社: 《尸骨袋》"Bag of Bones" novel 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔I:枪侠》"The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger" novel 《黑暗塔II:三张牌》"The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three" novel 《黑暗塔III:荒原》"The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands" novel 《肖申克的救赎(中篇集)》"Different Seasons" story collection 哈尔滨出版社: 《克苏鲁神话:恐怖人间〈耶路撒冷领地(短篇)〉》A Story in "Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos"
国内引进的斯蒂芬·金作品一览 内蒙古出版社: 《缅因鬼镇》"’Salem’s Lot" novel 《致命游戏》"Gerald’s Game" novel 《恶梦工厂(短篇集)》 "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" story collection 珠海出版社: 《死光(上、下两册)》"It" novel 《杰罗德游戏》"Gerald’s Game" novel 《宠物公墓》"Pet Sematary" novel 《玫瑰疯狂者》"Rose Madder" novel 《黑暗的另一半》"The Dark Half" novel 《神秘火焰》"Firestarter" novel 《死亡区域》"The Dead Zone" novel 《恶兆》"Cujo" novel 《惊鸟》"Dolores Claiborne" novel 《克里斯汀》"Christine" novel 《一号书迷》"Misery" novel 《世事无常(短片集)》"Everything’s Eventual" story collection 《斯蒂芬·金传》"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" non-fiction 大众文艺出版社: 《闪灵》"The Shining" novel 《撒冷镇》"’Salem’s Lot" novel 《末日逼近(上、下两册)》"The Stand (The Complete and Uncut Edition)" novel 上海译文出版社: 《尸骨袋》"Bag of Bones" novel 《丽赛的故事》"Lisey’s Story"novel 《手机》"Cell" novel 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔I:枪侠》"The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger" novel 《黑暗塔II:三张牌》"The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three" novel 《黑暗塔III:荒原》"The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands" novel 《肖申克的救赎(中篇集)》"Different Seasons" story collection 哈尔滨出版社: 《克苏鲁神话:恐怖人间〈耶路撒冷领地(短篇)〉》A Story in "Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos" 计划中引进: 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔IV:巫师与玻璃球》"The Dark Tower IV: Wizard & Glass" novel 《黑暗塔V:卡拉之狼》"The Dark Tower V: Wolves of The Calla" novel 《黑暗塔VI:苏珊娜之歌》"The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah" novel 《黑暗塔VII:黑暗之塔》"The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower" novel 世纪出版社: 劫梦惊魂"Dream Catcher" 斯蒂芬金全部作品列表 Book Name Published Bag of Bones 1998 Black House: The Talisman 2 2001 Blood and Smoke (Audio book) 1999 Cell 2006 Carrie 1974 Chinga (X-Files Episode) 1998 Christine 1983 Colorado Kid, The 2005 Creepshow 1982 Cujo 1981 Cycle of the Werewolf 1984 Danse Macabre 1980 Dark Half, The 1989 Dark Tower, The: The Gunslinger 1982 Dark Tower II, The: The Drawing of the Three 1987 Dark Tower III, The: The Waste Lands 1991 Dark Tower IV, The: Wizard and Glass 1997 Dark Tower V, The: Wolves of the Calla 2003 Dark Tower VI, The: Song of Susannah 2004 Dark Tower VII, The: Dark Tower, The 2004 Dark Visions (Compilation) 1988 Dead Zone, The 1979 Desperation 1996 Different Seasons 1982 Dolores Claiborne 1992 Dreamcatcher 2001 Everything’s Eventual 2002 Eyes of the Dragon, The 1987 Firestarter 1980 Four Past Midnight 1990 From a Buick 8 2002 Gerald’s Game 1992 Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The 1999 Green Mile parts 1-6, The 1996 Hearts in Atlantis 1999 Insomnia 1994 It 1986 Little Sisters of Eluria (In Legends) 1998 Long Walk, The 1979 Misery 1987 Needful Things 1991 Night Shift 1978 Nightmares and Dreamscapes 1993 Nightmares in the Sky 1988 On Writing 2000 Pet Sematary 1983 Plant, The 2000/1 Plant, The 1983-6 Rage 1977 Regulators, The 1996 Riding the Bullet 2000 Roadwork 1981 Rose Madder 1995 Rose Red 2002 Running Man, The 1982 ’Salems Lot 1975 Secret Windows 2000 Shining, The 1977 Six Stories (Limited Edition) 1997 Skeleton Crew 1985 Stand, The 1978 Stand, The: Complete & Uncut Edition 1990 Storm Of The Century (Script) 1999 Talisman, The 1984 Thinner 1984 Tommyknockers, The 1987 改编成的电影作品: 《魔符》The Talisman 2008 《1408幻影凶间 》 2007 《迷雾》(《迷雾惊魂》) The Mist 2007 《鬼作秀3》Creepshow III 2006(《鬼作秀1》Creepshow I 1982《鬼作秀2》Creepshow II 1987) 《暴力拼命》 Desperation 2006 电视电影 《午夜行凶》Salem’s Lot 2004 《神秘窗》Secret Window 2004 《骑弹飞行》Riding the Bullet 2004 《劫梦惊魂》Dreamcatcher 2003 《爱伦的日记》The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer 2003 电视电影 《血玫瑰第一部》Rose Red 电视迷你剧 2002 《绿里奇迹》The Green Mile 1999 《纳粹追凶》 Apt Pupil 1998 《瘦到死》Thinner 1996 《时间裂缝》(海市蜃楼 | 时间裂缝 | 兰戈利尔人)The Langoliers 1995 《肖申克的救赎》The Shawkshank Redemption 1994 《舐血夜魔》Sleep Walkers 1992 《危情十日》Misery 1990 《大小精灵》Tales from the Darkside 1990 《坟场禁区》Graveyard Shift 1990 《小丑回魂》It 1990 《禁入坟场》Pet Sematary 1989 《鬼作秀2》Creepshow II 1987(《鬼作秀1》Creepshow I 1982) 《过关斩将》The Running Man 1987 《吸血鬼复仇记II》A Return to Salem’s Lot 1987 《火魔战车》Maximum Overdrive 1986 《猫眼》 Cat’s Eye 1985 《花月断肠时》Christine 1983 《狂犬惊魂》Cujo 1983 《再死一次》Dead Zone 1983 《鬼作秀1》Creepshow I 1982 《闪灵》The Shining 1979 《魔女嘉莉》Carrie 1976
短片小说算吗?我先不列出短篇了1.黑暗之塔系列(是否要全部写出来?)2.魔女卡莉3.午夜行尸4.闪灵5.Rage6.夜班7.The Stand8.The Long Walk9.再死一次10.凶火11.Roadwork12.尸之舞13.狂犬惊魂14.威龙猛将15.鬼作秀16.Different Seasons17.克里斯汀魅力18.宠物坟场19.Cycle of the Werewolf20.魔符21.瘦到死22.肖申克的救赎23.The Bachman Books24.It25.The Eyes of the Dragon26.危情十日27.燃烧森林28.Nightmares in the Sky29.人鬼双胞胎30.The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition31.Four Past Midnight32.勾魂游戏33.Gerald’s Game34.热泪伤痕35.Nightmares & Dreamscapes36.白夜追凶37.血色玫瑰39.绿里奇迹40.暴力拼命41.The Regulators42.6个故事43.尸骨袋44.世纪邪风暴45.The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon46.The New Lieutenant’s Rap47.亚特兰蒂斯之心48.Blood and Smoke49.骑弹飞行50.On Writing51.Secret Windows52.The Plant53.劫梦惊魂54.黑色之家55.Everything’s Eventual56.神秘别克857.Faithful58.The Colorado Kid59.’Salem’s Lot: Illustrated Edition60.Cell61.Lisey’s Story62.Blaze63.Duma Key64.Just After Sunset65.Stephen King Goes to the Movies66.Ur67.穹顶之下68.Blockade Billy69.Full Dark, No Stars70.Mile 8171.11/22/6372.American Vampire73.It: The 25th Anniversary Special Edition74."Throttle"75.A Face in the Crowd76."In the Tall Grass"77."GUNS"78.Ghost Brothers of Darkland County79.Joyland80.Doctor Sleep以上为按照出版年代顺序的80部小说
小说简介如下: 故事的第一人称叙述者一次偶然的机会加入了一个怪异的俱乐部,俱乐部的成员经常互相之间讲奇怪的故事,每逢特别的日子则会讲一些略惊悚的故事,据说那些故事都是真的,俱乐部里有许许多多的房间,但从来没见有人进去过,叙述者怀疑这些房间通向其他空间。 本篇是一个故事套故事的模式,主要内容并非是俱乐部本身,而是一天晚上,一名前产科医生讲的一个故事:他曾遇到一位特别的顾客,一名被男友抛弃而又坚持要把孩子生下来的女工,由于当时社会观念的问题,这名女子备受歧视,而医生很同情她,并教给她种种产前措施,谁知临产当天却出了件意外,然后发生了一件比较灵异的事情。
国内引进的斯蒂芬·金作品一览 内蒙古出版社: 《缅因鬼镇》"’Salem’s Lot" novel 《致命游戏》"Gerald’s Game" novel 《恶梦工厂(短篇集)》 "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" story collection 珠海出版社: 《死光(上、下两册)》"It" novel 《杰罗德游戏》"Gerald’s Game" novel 《宠物公墓》"Pet Sematary" novel 《玫瑰疯狂者》"Rose Madder" novel 《黑暗的另一半》"The Dark Half" novel 《神秘火焰》"Firestarter" novel 《死亡区域》"The Dead Zone" novel 《恶兆》"Cujo" novel 《惊鸟》"Dolores Claiborne" novel 《克里斯汀》"Christine" novel 《一号书迷》"Misery" novel 《世事无常(短片集)》"Everything’s Eventual" story collection 《斯蒂芬·金传》"On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" non-fiction 大众文艺出版社: 《闪灵》"The Shining" novel 《撒冷镇》"’Salem’s Lot" novel 《末日逼近(上、下两册)》"The Stand (The Complete and Uncut Edition)" novel 上海译文出版社: 《尸骨袋》"Bag of Bones" novel 《丽赛的故事》"Lisey’s Story"novel 《手机》"Cell" novel 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔I:枪侠》"The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger" novel 《黑暗塔II:三张牌》"The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three" novel 《黑暗塔III:荒原》"The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands" novel 《肖申克的救赎(中篇集)》"Different Seasons" story collection 哈尔滨出版社: 《克苏鲁神话:恐怖人间〈耶路撒冷领地(短篇)〉》A Story in "Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos" 计划中引进: 人民文学出版社: 《黑暗塔IV:巫师与玻璃球》"The Dark Tower IV: Wizard & Glass" novel 《黑暗塔V:卡拉之狼》"The Dark Tower V: Wolves of The Calla" novel 《黑暗塔VI:苏珊娜之歌》"The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah" novel 《黑暗塔VII:黑暗之塔》"The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower" novel 世纪出版社: 劫梦惊魂"Dream Catcher" 斯蒂芬金全部作品列表 Book Name Published Bag of Bones 1998 Black House: The Talisman 2 2001 Blood and Smoke (Audio book) 1999 Cell 2006 Carrie 1974 Chinga (X-Files Episode) 1998 Christine 1983 Colorado Kid, The 2005 Creepshow 1982 Cujo 1981 Cycle of the Werewolf 1984 Danse Macabre 1980 Dark Half, The 1989 Dark Tower, The: The Gunslinger 1982 Dark Tower II, The: The Drawing of the Three 1987 Dark Tower III, The: The Waste Lands 1991 Dark Tower IV, The: Wizard and Glass 1997 Dark Tower V, The: Wolves of the Calla 2003 Dark Tower VI, The: Song of Susannah 2004 Dark Tower VII, The: Dark Tower, The 2004 Dark Visions (Compilation) 1988 Dead Zone, The 1979 Desperation 1996 Different Seasons 1982 Dolores Claiborne 1992 Dreamcatcher 2001 Everything’s Eventual 2002 Eyes of the Dragon, The 1987 Firestarter 1980 Four Past Midnight 1990 From a Buick 8 2002 Gerald’s Game 1992 Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The 1999 Green Mile parts 1-6, The 1996 Hearts in Atlantis 1999 Insomnia 1994 It 1986 Little Sisters of Eluria (In Legends) 1998 Long Walk, The 1979 Misery 1987 Needful Things 1991 Night Shift 1978 Nightmares and Dreamscapes 1993 Nightmares in the Sky 1988 On Writing 2000 Pet Sematary 1983 Plant, The 2000/1 Plant, The 1983-6 Rage 1977 Regulators, The 1996 Riding the Bullet 2000 Roadwork 1981 Rose Madder 1995 Rose Red 2002 Running Man, The 1982 ’Salems Lot 1975 Secret Windows 2000 Shining, The 1977 Six Stories (Limited Edition) 1997 Skeleton Crew 1985 Stand, The 1978 Stand, The: Complete & Uncut Edition 1990 Storm Of The Century (Script) 1999 Talisman, The 1984 Thinner 1984 Tommyknockers, The 1987 改编成的电影作品: 《魔符》The Talisman 2008 《1408幻影凶间 》 2007 《迷雾》(《迷雾惊魂》) The Mist 2007 《鬼作秀3》Creepshow III 2006(《鬼作秀1》Creepshow I 1982《鬼作秀2》Creepshow II 1987) 《暴力拼命》 Desperation 2006 电视电影 《午夜行凶》Salem’s Lot 2004 《神秘窗》Secret Window 2004 《骑弹飞行》Riding the Bullet 2004 《劫梦惊魂》Dreamcatcher 2003 《爱伦的日记》The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer 2003 电视电影 《血玫瑰第一部》Rose Red 电视迷你剧 2002 《绿里奇迹》The Green Mile 1999 《纳粹追凶》 Apt Pupil 1998 《瘦到死》Thinner 1996 《时间裂缝》(海市蜃楼 | 时间裂缝 | 兰戈利尔人)The Langoliers 1995 《肖申克的救赎》The Shawkshank Redemption 1994 《舐血夜魔》Sleep Walkers 1992 《危情十日》Misery 1990 《大小精灵》Tales from the Darkside 1990 《坟场禁区》Graveyard Shift 1990 《小丑回魂》It 1990 《禁入坟场》Pet Sematary 1989 《鬼作秀2》Creepshow II 1987(《鬼作秀1》Creepshow I 1982) 《过关斩将》The Running Man 1987 《吸血鬼复仇记II》A Return to Salem’s Lot 1987 《火魔战车》Maximum Overdrive 1986 《猫眼》 Cat’s Eye 1985 《花月断肠时》Christine 1983 《狂犬惊魂》Cujo 1983 《再死一次》Dead Zone 1983 《鬼作秀1》Creepshow I 1982 《闪灵》The Shining 1979 《魔女嘉莉》Carrie 1976